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GLS offers 45-minute tutorials focusing on English conversation, pronunciation, academic/professional writing, academic presentation, and TOEFL/IELTS/CELPIP exam preparation. If you are interested in discussing issues that impact our lives locally and globally, join Global Topics for Global Learners, a weekly session with NU learners across the network.

Please view our policies below and click on the link below to make an appointment!

Tutoring Policies

1. Learners are welcome to make three 1:1 tutoring appointments per week. Tutorials are 45 minutes in length.

2. When making an appointment, please use your Northeastern University email.

3.  Back-to-back appointments are not allowed. 

4. Cancellation Policy: If you are unable to attend your appointment, please cancel it at least three hours in advance. For last minute emergencies, please contact your tutor directly. If you are late to your appointment by more than 15 minutes, it will be marked as a missed appointment. After two missed appointments, you will be contacted by Global Learner Support.

5. Please come to your appointment with material or questions you would like to cover during the session. It is preferred that you use camera and microphone technology to enhance engagement for virtual appointments.

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During this period, all websites are in read-only mode, and site owners, administrators, editors, authors, contributors, and subscribers will be unable to log in or make edits. Visitors can still access and navigate sites as usual.

For more info, check the IT Statuspage.